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Project Introduction

Bonuz serves as a bridge, seamlessly connecting brands, communities, events, and creators to the Web 3.0 world while maintaining the simplicity of Web 2.0. At its core is the Bonuz Smart Wallet, a non-custodial tool designed to simplify the transition to decentralized technologies. The Bonuz platform blends physical and digital experiences, offering a comprehensive solution for creators, brands, and celebrities to engage with their audiences in innovative ways. Its unique features include exclusive metaverse experiences and gamified interactions, which foster deeper connections and enhance audience engagement. Bonuz's mission is to empower its users to expand their reach, create engaging experiences, and effectively monetize their content. Utilizing blockchain technology, Bonuz provides a more secure, transparent, and user-focused alternative to traditional web solutions. By offering digital collectibles and services as rewards, Bonuz enables creators and brands to engage with their audiences in new ways. Initially using stablecoins and fiat currencies, Bonuz plans to introduce its own cryptocurrency for transactions in the future. The platform generates revenue through a percentage of sales from celebrity subscriptions and fees from minting dynamic NFTs, such as vouchers and proof-of-attendance tokens.

Use Case

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