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Project Introduction

Capsule is a cutting-edge signing solution that lets you create secure, cross-application embedded wallets with ease. Whether you're building for EVM or Cosmos chains, Capsule's SDKs provide versatile support across Vanilla JS, React, Node.js/Server, React Native, Expo, and Flutter. Capsule ensures top-notch security with Multi-Party Computation (MPC) and Distributed Key Generation (DKG) for key management and signing, combining high-level protection with a smooth user experience and self-custody principles. One of Capsule’s standout features is its wallet portability. Even if your app hasn’t integrated with Capsule, your wallet can still be used across different apps, thanks to advanced permissioning frameworks that keep user assets secure. Capsule also offers a customizable, native experience. You can integrate quickly using Capsule’s React modal for simple web integrations or the web SDK for tailored UIs and authentication mechanisms. Add features like on-ramps, off-ramps, and analytics as needed. For programmable, multi-chain signing, Capsule provides flexible controls for transaction execution, including spending limits and 2FA for progressive authorization. Its chain-agnostic architecture supports all EVM and Cosmos chains and can be extended to other chains using ECDSA signing, making Capsule an adaptable solution for multi-chain applications without disrupting user experience.

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