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Securing the AI-Driven Crypto Future: How Biconomy's Permissions Infrastructure Empowers Users

October 21, 2024
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Securing the AI-Driven Crypto Future: How Biconomy's Permissions Infrastructure Empowers Users

This blog post follows up on AI agents and the emerging web3 UX. If you're new to AI agents in crypto, check it out first for context.

TL:DR AI agents are set to revolutionize the crypto user experience, making asset management more accessible and intuitive than ever before. However, to embrace this AI-driven future with confidence, we must prioritize self-custody, smart contract wallets, and robust permission systems. Biconomy is leading the charge in building the necessary infrastructure, such as Nexus Smart Account, Smart Sessions, and the Delegated Authorization Network (DAN), to ensure that users can trust AI agents to manage their digital assets securely and efficiently. By striking the balance between convenience and security, we can unlock the potential of web3 and pave the way for mainstream adoption in an AI-driven world.

The Future of Crypto is AI-Driven: Embrace It with Confidence

The integration of AI agents into the world of cryptocurrency is not just inevitable; it's a game-changer that will redefine how we interact with digital assets. As we are early to this transformation, it's crucial to understand that the success of this merger lies in striking a balance between convenience and security.

AI Agents: The Key to Unlocking Crypto's True Potential

Picture this: a world where managing your crypto assets is as simple as having a conversation with a trusted advisor. No more navigating complex interfaces or worrying about the technicalities of transactions. AI agents are poised to make this vision a reality, leveraging the power of natural language processing and machine learning to create a truly intuitive and accessible crypto experience.

But the benefits of AI agents go beyond convenience. By automating complex tasks and strategies, they open up a world of possibilities for crypto enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Imagine an AI agent that can seamlessly manage your portfolio across multiple chains, optimizing your holdings based on real-time market data and your personal risk preferences. This level of intelligent automation is set to democratize an experience which was limited to hedge funds and market makers.

Moreover, AI agents offer a highly personalized user experience, tailored to each individual's needs and goals. By acting directly on the user's wallet, AI agents can create custom strategies that align with the user's unique financial situation and risk tolerance. This level of personalization is only possible because the AI operates within the context of the user's own wallet, ensuring that every action taken is in line with their specific needs and preferences.

Self-Custody and Smart Accounts: The Pillars of Trust

However, with great power comes great responsibility. As we entrust AI agents with our valuable digital assets, it's essential to establish a robust framework that prioritizes security and user control. This is where self-custody and smart contract wallets come into play.

Self-custody is the bedrock of the web3 ethos, ensuring that users retain complete control over their assets, regardless of the level of automation involved. By keeping your private keys secure and under your own management, you maintain the final say in all transactions and permissions, even when an AI agent is acting on your behalf.

ERC 4337 Smart Accounts take this concept to the next level. They provide a flexible and programmable environment where users can define custom rules and permissions for their AI agents to operate within. This is something could only really be done with centralised solutions before 4337 ecosystem developed. The  Nexus Smart Account, builds on this concept by adhering the 7579 modular standard, allowing for permissionless and interoperable innovation when it comes to programable access to Smart Accounts.

The Power of Permissions: Striking the Perfect Balance

To truly unlock the potential of AI agents in the crypto space, we need a permission system that is both robust and adaptable. Enter Smart Sessions and the Delegated Authorization Network (DAN) by Biconomy.

Smart Sessions offer a flexible, stackable, permission-based framework that enables AI agents to operate autonomously within predefined security boundaries. Whether it's executing a series of transactions across multiple chains or implementing complex trading strategies, Smart Sessions ensure that your AI agent adheres to your specific rules and limits.

But the real magic happens when we combine on-chain permissions with the flexibility of off-chain systems like Biconomy DAN. DAN explores what is possible when you build an MPC network which leverages Ethereum economic security. Now its possible to have trustless compute on private keys which is open to all to use. These features include:

  1. Session Key Storage: At launch DAN securely stores session keys, allowing AI agents to have transactions validated when needed without compromising on security.
  2. Generalized Permissions: Users can define broad permissions which leverage offchain data and test for invariants. Simple permissions like, “The USD value or my portfolio must be within 0.1% post transaction”, give AI’s space to strategise.
  3. Inference Proofs: DAN will utilize inference proofs, like ones provided by Aizel, to validate and verify the decision-making process of AI agents, providing transparency and accountability for their actions.

By leveraging these features, Biconomy DAN enables AI agents to make autonomous decisions within user-defined parameters, without being constrained by the blockchain. This hybrid approach offers the best of both worlds: the security of on-chain permissions with the adaptability of off-chain rules.

Embracing the AI-Driven Future with Confidence

The integration of AI agents into the world of crypto is not a matter of if, but when. As we stand at the dawn of this exciting new era, it's crucial to approach it with both enthusiasm and caution. By leveraging the power of self-custody, smart contract wallets, and robust permission systems, we can create an environment where users can trust AI agents to manage their digital assets with confidence.

Biconomy is at the forefront of this new UX, building the infrastructure necessary to support secure and user-friendly AI agent experiences. With tools like Nexus Smart Account, Smart Session, and the Delegated Authorization Network, they are paving the way for a future where AI and crypto work hand in hand to create a more accessible, efficient, and secure financial ecosystem.

We encourage developers and builders in the Ethereum community to explore the potential of Biconomy's infrastructure. By building on our smart account and permissions stack, you can help make the benefits of AI and crypto more accessible to a wider audience, while still staying true to the core principles of decentralization and self-custody.

We believe that the future of Web3 will be shaped by the combined efforts of the Ethereum community, and we're excited to see what you'll create. Whether you're working on a new DeFi protocol, an NFT marketplace, or a cutting-edge AI application, Biconomy is here to support you every step of the way.

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