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Trust Wallet utilizes Biconomy for seamless AA-powered UX

July 5, 2024
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Trust Wallet utilizes Biconomy for seamless AA-powered UX

Trust Wallet is now using Biconomy’s Account Abstraction infrastructure in SWIFT — their new smart contract wallet offering. It’s a big vote of confidence that the largest mobile self-custody wallet in Web3 uses our Paymasters and Bundlers.

The AA Powered Smart Contract Wallet is designed to simplify Web3 for the broader audience. It eliminates multiple UX friction points such as managing gas, onboarding with seed phrases, security concerns, and much more making a user’s life easier and safer.

We have been closely working with the Trust Wallet team for almost 6 months and it’s a great feeling to finally bring our product into the hands of Trust Wallet’s already impressive 80 million user base.

Here’s how our AA infra is helping SWIFT

Native gas fee abstraction

Trust Wallet leverages our state-of-the-art Paymasters to enable native gas fee abstraction. A Paymaster is a key component in the ERC4337 stack that manages gas on behalf of the end-user and enables flexible gas payment solutions.

Thanks to Biconomy Paymaster’s wide range of supported tokens, SWIFT users can choose from 200+ tokens to pay gas fees for their on-chain activity!

Why gas abstraction matters?

Let’s say a SWIFT user wants to swap USDC to BICO on Polygon. To do this in traditional wallets, the user will need to have MATIC in their wallet. But thanks to Paymasters on SWIFT, the user can pay gas in the token being used for the transaction - USDC!

Let’s take another example, a user wants to send LINK to another address on Optimism. Again thanks to Biconomy Paymasters, SWIFT can automatically ‘deduct’ the gas fee in LINK. Without Paymasters, the user would have had to acquire ETH just to pay gas to perform this action.

Essentially, the gas fee is abstracted from the user. They pay it in whatever token they are using to perform the action, or even choose from any other token.

This feature is a big deal in enabling a simpler experience. For new users onboarding to Web3, gas is one of the biggest bottlenecks. It’s true even for crypto-savvy folks who are only active in the realm of centralized exchanges and wallets. The idea that you need to acquire & hold multiple tokens just to execute simple tasks is bad UX.

But by leveraging Biconomy Paymasters, Trust Wallet abstracts this gas fee headache from their users!

Executing Smart Wallet actions at scale

Trust Wallet also leverages our bundlers to execute UserOps sent by their users on the blockchain. The tl:dr is that a large chunk of the total user activity on SWIFT will be executed via our Bundler infrastructure. Let’s break down this jargon below.

As SWIFT is a Smart Contract wallet, it must send a ‘UserOp’ to initiate a transaction. A UserOp describes what action the user wants to initiate. Within the account abstraction standard, these UserOps are executed by Bundlers on behalf of the user.

In our case, Trust Wallet will be using our bundler infrastructure to execute UserOps sent by their SWIFT wallet user base.

To learn more about SWIFT, check out their website and announcement.

To discover how you too can leverage account abstraction to onboard & retain more users, talk to us or check out our tutorials to get started.

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